Tuesday, 3 March 2015

The Ceremony


  1. You're back!!! Yay! And the google policy was reversed so you won't have to leave :D Woohoo! Love a nice sister story, sounds like a lovely ceremony. -DAGS

  2. Indeed I am. I feel I owe you all an apology for my absence; life has been absurdly busy and absurdly stressful over the past few months, and I've had neither the time nor the inclination to work on my caps. I'm still unlikely to be posting at a respectable rate for the next couple of months, and my caption buffer is running dry, but I'll try to post something every so often, at least.
    Glad you like the story!

  3. oh my how itoo just have alway's wished and wanted this the day i finally change and just become the girl who is locked away inside of me at long last i too am a girlie! just like i should be!
