Monday 24 November 2014

The Training Manual (part 1)


  1. Ooo how sneaky of them! You have a knack for writing that slow conniving and convincing. You can trick me into becoming queen bitch any time :) -DAGS

  2. If that level of kitchen psychology actually works that well I wonder what the hell the other institutes are doing. Did they have gender studies graduates design this or what?

  3. DAGS - glad you liked it; I wanted to explore the idea of how a feminisation group would try and apply group dynamics and try to use different tactics for different personalities - every other work of fiction on the subject seems to take a one-size-fits-all approach.
    Anon - you're right in that the model presented is rather simplistic - TG caps are not the place for presenting detailed summaries of theories of interpersonal psychology - and even within the story, I think it's safe to assume that the theory has been simplified for the purpose of training low-level staff. But Transactional Analysis is a real thing, and the system described here is a reasonable attempt to (mis)apply the theory to forced feminisation. Check out the wiki page - it's interesting stuff.
    Oh - and since you asked, all the other institutes are using behaviourist techniques. The standard, boring reward/punishment trip. This is light years ahead of that. :)

  4. This is amazing really, I can't wait to see the next part.
