Tuesday 30 July 2013

Maddy's tale- part 2

This is the long awaited (possibly) second and third parts of Maddy's tale. Apologies for the delay; I was experiencing technical difficulties, shall we say?


  1. Wonderful again! Such a great read and the pictures work so nicely!!! Can't wait for more!?!?!?

  2. Great caption. Did someone steal you laptop again?

  3. Glad you both like it! That's the end of Maddy's story, but there's bound to be more of that ilk fairly soon.
    Beyogi - fortunately, my laptop wasn't stolen this time - it had a rather large object fall on it, buggering up the hard drive. Most of my data was either backed up or retrievable though, thankfully. It's just that as it was under warranty, I had to send it away to get the hard drive replaced, which took a while, but saved me the cost of a new hard drive.

  4. This story has a very nice psychological progression. I especially liked the part where her mom apologized for treating being female like it was a punishment. TG stories could do with more of that!

  5. Thank you. There's always been a weird relationship between TG fiction and feminism; an odd contradiction between feminisation-as-punishment and gyno-fascist regimes on the one hand and the inherent desire to explore what it means to be female on the other. One of these days I'll get my head around it all...

    1. My take on the whole forced-feminization thing is that it's a fantasy that comes from wanting to be a woman without having to admit to wanting it. After all, if the change is imposed from without, rather than coming from within, you get all the benefits of becoming female with none of the guilt at giving up (or wanting to give up) male privilege.

  6. Shannon - I think you're part right, but I think there's more to it than that. Punishment is such a major theme in the stuff on fictionmania and all the caps sites and so on - often by the character's mother or some other powerful *female* figure that I think it is an important part of the fantasy itself, and not just a sort of fig-leaf to get around certain social taboos. So much of sex - 'traditional' S&M is about authority and power and domination, and I guess it ties into that, but then you also get all the Freudian jazz about oedipal complexes and castration anxiety and so on which seem to overlap pretty well.
    I'm still trying to figure this stuff out, but it seems to me that what's important is this tension between secretly wanting to be transformed while being utterly horrified by the process at the same time.

  7. You might be right. Being transformed by a powerful female figure was never really my fantasy, so I can only speculate what others like about it.

    I know that, for me, being transformed by an outside agency was a way of evading responsibility for my own desires. I might be generalizing from my experience to others.

  8. Well, maybe I'm generalising from my own experience too!
