Wednesday 3 April 2013

For the lulz


  1. Huh, so in a few weeks everyone will know exactly who's been turning themselves into girls in their spare time. Nice! I wonder if any prominent politicians or other public figures will be trading their boxers in for panties?

    Excellent April Fools caption, Rachel!

  2. Well... I'm pretty sure the original girls will want to find a reversal for this spell pretty quickly. Because who'll do all the heavy lifting? I guess it'll be rather comfortable for the remaining guys. That would be the ultimate deflation on the price for pussy... except if those nugirls are all lesbians. But even then you'd get some severely unhappy original girls.
    I think that would be pretty interesting though. What it would change or what it wouldn't. In the worst case they could lose almost all guys. Which would be something only the most misandrist feminists would ever want to consider.

    Anyway, I figure the resulting world would be a very nice place for the few remaining guys and a very harsh thing for the girls. I guess they'd get to see the Dark Side of emancipation... well, I guess it'll be growing up time for the princesses. Especially if the Nugirls demand the same righs and privileges the original girls always had.

    Hm... the whole thing might be a very good idea. When they've finally found a way to reverse it, society will have changed. Maybe it'll be the end of the Gender Wars and the designated victims and opressors.

    Thanks for this great caption, makes me wonder who fooled whom here and who'll really have the last lulz :D

  3. Glad you both liked it! It would actually be interesting to see the implications of a situation like this worked out. I do find the idea of a significant shift in gender balance quite interesting, particularly the effect this change in sexual supply/demand has on gender roles, status, etc...
