Friday 1 June 2012

The Depopulation Event

I'm going to be away for the next week, so no new posts for a while. I thought I'd throw in a bonus set to keep you all ticking over until then...


  1. They are a bit tupid, aren't they? First making being a girl a stigma by doing it via punishment, then enforcing old gender roles, which are problematic at least in modern times and then doing it to youth in puberty or something.
    Why don't they just draft every first newborn? That would be more humane and save them from much drama ;)

    On the other hand there wouldn't be this interesting caption then ^^

    Thank you for writing this funny little short story, I wonder what you'll have in a week or so :D


  2. Yeah, no disagreement here - it's not a particularly well thought out policy. But then, whoever said government policy had to make sense? I imagine the country in question is quite an authoritarian one, with a pretty messed up attitude to gender and sexuality - which is pretty commonplace, really.
    Anyway, it's always great to hear from someone who enjoys my stuff!
