Friday, 27 January 2017

The inheritance

I normally keep a bit of a backlog of caps, and work a month or so in advance of actually posting them. But recently, for whatever reason, I've not been doing anywhere near as much and my reserve is getting depleted. So I'm going to cut my posting frequency for a while. Hope that's cool.


  1. What a lonely, isolated, reluctant girly-guy. I was sure grandma was going to make him go all the way with the best SRS that her fortune could buy. Oh, well, at 25 he'll have enough resources to do whatever he wants. What a waste of an excellent opportunity to transition into the world's richest TG.

    PS; It's good to take breaks and enjoy the pace you set for your own gratification. I look forward to whenever you make time to tell more of your entertaining stories.

    1. I dunno, he'd have to choose that way and it'd be easier to just say 'fuck it, no way'. Having the idea of being a boy just out of reach for so long is probabl a lot more cruel, and I think that's what she was going for.
      I'll still be posting, I think. Just not as frequently... :)

  2. I feel like that last bit about not having friends was unnecessarily sad? I just want good things for this utterly used kid... Nice photoset and reveal from the grandma ~Olivia

    1. I was going for a heartbreaking twist ending, maybe it was too much. Ah, so it goes. But who knows what the future has in store for hir?

  3. Wow... it's a sad kid. The parents are assholes and the grandma isn't better if she knew.

    Now the kid has no life of his own. I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up committing suicide like so many transgendered people.

    1. Lets hope not! But yes; assholes and psychos all round...

  4. Really well-written and thought-out caption!
