Friday 1 December 2017

Balanced Boys Magazine Article

This caption is set in the same universe as my story, 'Our First Girl Day'. If you've not read it, why not give it a shot?


  1. Thanks for an interesting sequence.
    That last comment on the last panel prompted a thought: would this world have an equivalent for girls with a "Boy Day" serial article in "Gracious Girls" magazine encouraging them to experience being a guy for a day? What's good for the goose could possibly work for the gander as well.

  2. Well...
    The argument behind Balanced Boys was that women have successfully claimed traditionally male territory, but men are still not 'allowed' to do female things. There's also an argument that the male psyche is haunted by castration anxiety, and Girl Days help relieve that. As such, the arguments mooted (in the story, at least) for Girl Days don't really apply to letting girls have Boy Days.
    That said, you know, it could be fun. Some sisters would want to join in or whatever, and I guess the infrastructure would sort of pile up.
    So...sure, why not?
