Wednesday 21 December 2016

The nerd prom


  1. Hilarious ending! LOL. Good one!

  2. Hm... if they know that well who the bullies are, why didn't they do anything before?

    In a way this is even worse than normal where the teachers just don't know or look away. Instead they apparently know, do nothing and punish afterwards. wtf.

    1. You're right. It makes no sense whatsoever :).
      Just because the system is broken beyond all comprehension, doesn't mean there isn't a near infinite capacity for things to be worse. :)

  3. Oh wow what a stakes raiser at the end there! I was wonder what kept them from just being even nastier lol
    Any clue what they do to the girl bullies? ~Olivia

    1. Glad you like it :)
      As for the question of girl bullies... well. Hmm. Transform them into boys? And then get their victims/dates to treat them really badly, like making them hold their handbags and wait for them outside the toilets for ages? Nah...
      Male bullying is all about physical intimidation, but female bullying is about social exclusion. So... make it so there's a REALLY AWESOME PROM and they're not allowed to come?
      I honestly don't know. Your guess is as good as mine. :)

    2. In a world where you can make a guy into a girl who looks as curvy convincing as our hottie bully, you could surely make a girl bully into a perfectly gender neutral being. To make it really effective, herim's sexual desires could be, say, doubled, to drive the lesson home. Yeah, that would do it.

    3. Actually male bullying isn't all about physical intimidation. That usually only happens if the environment actually allows it. Otherwise boys do the same shit girls do.

    4. Clare- it's an interesting suggestion. I'm honestly not sure what to make of it. It'd be interesting to shift from forced feminisation to forced DEfeminisation though :).
      Beyogi - you're right - it was a massive overgeneralisation. And I'm sure girls are physically violent from time to time. It's a matter of emphasis rather than a straight either/or.

  4. Interesting idea Clare! Is that gender play interesting enough an experiment for you, Terzy? ~Olivia

    1. It *is* an interesting idea. Not least of all, I've always balked slightly at the idea of 'being made feminine/female is OBVIOUSLY a punishment because women are obviously inferior, it's so humiliating!' (despite being ...fascinated... by the idea). The idea of defeminising/demasculinising someone as punishment is interesting from a literary/psychological point of view because it contains some elements of FF but not others, and lets you sort of take the fantasy apart and see how it works.
      Will I do something with it? Well - doing a cap might be difficult as it'd involve finding an androgynous model and potentially some heavy photoshop. A story might be more plausible, and a better fit for exploring all the implications. But I have a backlog of stuff I want to write as it is... So, let's file this idea under 'we'll see'...

    2. Precisely the gears I love to see whirring when it comes to your more deconstructional work!! You're right about the model being trouble, though it would certainly be a great find ~ Olivia
