Tuesday 23 September 2014

Joanna no more!


  1. HAH! YES! You used the exact line in the last panel! I feel so fulfilled :D
    Solid F2M, and I really liked their reasoning for going guy (all the new girls won't stop talking about femme stuff heehee), as well as seeing how Joanna's struggle lines up with those of the guys in your other transitions, just the other direction.
    I'd love to see the the couple trying out their new bodies together... -DAGS

  2. *tips hat*. I aim to please.
    So far, (straight) couple stuff is probably the one area I've not really done - either as a single or a double switch. I probably will get onto something like that sooner or later...

  3. Well, I can see why Joanna would get tired of dealing with stereotypical girls. For the girled guys it's all new and exciting, but for her/him it would be really really borig and annoying. And now he gets to be a guy, so it's not all bad :)

  4. Yeah, stereotypical girls can get tiresome real quick; dealing with a gang of hyper-excited girled guys must be a real bore. Plus, if all her female friends were now guys, I can see how she'd feel a bit left out.
    She seems happy now though, and I'm sure Sarah will enjoy things more too...

  5. Look- I'm starting shizz with open minded bloggers again :P http://ashertg.blogspot.com/2015/03/f2m.html -DAGS
