Wednesday 1 May 2013



  1. First they came for the communists...

    Um yeah, while s/he certainly should be able to get a beer and a football game that's what you get if you don't check what your politicians stand for. Anyway, maybe she should think about rebellion instead of compliance...

    Interesting caption. Makes me kinda wonder how a society like that actually reproduces.

    Thank you for your captions,

  2. Glad you like it.
    It always fascinates me when people support politicians who are obviously (to me) directly opposed to the interests of their supporters. And as I've said before, I've always found the dynamics of gender and power in TG fiction fascinating.
    This cap was, if you haven't guessed, inspired by another female politican who died recently, also with the initials M.T...

    1. Nice cap! I wonder, if Mary Thorpe thinks being female is such a punishment, why hasn't she used this technology to turn herself into a man?

  3. Shannon - I imagine she thinks that she's the exception to the general principle of female inferiority...

  4. I'll never get why some women believe they're so inferior to men that the only way to catch up is to cruelly supress them.
    The sad thing is these people are real and they have quite some influence on politics because nobody really wants to acknowlege their insanity.

  5. I dunno, I think it's quite common - and not just women. A lot of the time, when people are second-from-the-bottom of the heap, they take a lot of pride in not being as bad as [insert minority group here] and as a result, often work quite hard to make sure that that group don't achieve equality with them. If only they'd put that sort of effort into fixing the problems that keep them down in the first place...
    I guess President Thorpe is the sort of person who believes that dragging everyone else down is the same thing as lifting yourself up.
    And yes, I think that there are a lot of genuinely psychotic people in politics. It's a field where certain sociopathic traits can be quite useful - at least in terms of advancing one's own career, rather than implementing socially beneficial policies..

  6. I totally agree, Rachel. Your statement reminded me a lot of this quote about (American) politics:

    “The salient fact of American politics is that there are fifty to seventy million voters each of who will volunteer to live, with his family, in a cardboard box under an overpass, and cook sparrows on an old curtain rod, if someone would only guarantee that the black, gay, Hispanic, liberal, whatever, in the next box over doesn’t even have a curtain rod, or a sparrow to put on it.”

    Which I always thought summed the experience up, sadly.

  7. I'd not heard that quote before, I love it. Very true.
